Archives for November 2012

Bolingbrook vistas, late fall

Palm Trees of Bolingbrook

Some developer had the idea to make one of our nearby playgrounds an “oasis” – complete with sand, palm trees, Adirondack chairs, and a giant pelican (see below). The sign calls it the “Bloomfield Oasis” – after the name of the subdivision. It’s. Very. Weird. Especially in November. Of course, it’s even better when there’s snow […]

Where Manhole Covers Come From

Ever wondered where your manhole covers come from? Probably not, huh? Well, that’s why you have me, a blogger obsessed with civic minutiae. All the manhole covers in our neighborhood say “Neenah, WI” and “Neenah Foundary.” I wanted to know who and where exactly that was. Here’s what I found out: William Aylward, Sr. began […]

Our house, November evening


This are two foreclosed homes on our block, down from three. Will County has had one of the highest rates of foreclosures in the state, and Bolingbrook has been one of the epicenters. Some foreclosed homes are kept up well, but this one was pretty neglected. The front door looked like something out of a […]