What a Pastor Does

“So, what exactly do you do as a pastor? Do you do a lot of counseling?” Adam and I were on vacation the week after Christmas and the man who ran the B&B where we stayed asked me this.

It’s hard to explain. At least this guy didn’t ask if I only work on Sundays.

I wrote this list for my church board last year, trying to capture as much of what I do as possible. It ended up very nuts and bolts — much more administrative-sounding than it really is. A lot of what I do is more emotional work: inspiring people, comforting them, setting boundaries, keeping order. It’s sort of a combination between running a small business, being a family matriarch, being a life coach, running a family camp, and running a theater with a single weekly production every Sunday morning, year in and year out. Sometimes I also feel a bit like a museum curator, in charge of a historical tradition that people want to connect with as a way of connecting with the past, or family traditions. I also hope I’m working as  a subversive revolutionary, speaking up for love, mercy, transformation, and the Big Presence of Love I call “God” and feel so potently in the world around me.

Or at least, that’s how I see it today. It’s sort of a constantly changing algorithm of variables. Sometimes I want to snort when we call it “organized” religion, because, at least in my world, it’s kind of a mess. And that’s ok.

Does she just blow bubbles all day?

Does she just blow bubbles all day?

Anyway, here’s the list. (I did some translating, but some things may still be in “church language” – apologies in advance!)

Worship Leadership

clergy sermon group, weekly
plan Sunday service
plan and proof bulletins
plan seasonal liturgies (Lent, Pentecost, Advent, etc.)
study for and write sermons
preach sermons
lead Sunday service
collaborate on music w/ music director
collaborate with the altar guild
coordinate seasonal liturgies (Christmas, Holy Week, Rogation)
oversee ministry leadership (lectors, ushers, chalice bearers, acolytes)
weddings: meetings, plan, sermon prep, lead
funerals: meetings, plan, sermon prep, lead



Sunday Seminars for adults
–        get suggestions for and plan topics
–        invite speakers
–        prepare and lead some sessions myself
school-age classes
–        recruit and coordinate teachers
–        lead classes
–        communicate with parents
–        plan other activities
younger kids class – oversee teachers, curriculum, and program
plan and teach Inquirers’ Class in Lent (7 classes, meets weekly)
Lent, Advent, and other weeknight offerings
research, order and distribute Lent and Advent special devotion materials
Baptismal preparation with parents or adult candidates
Confirmation preparation with teenagers
Ordination process: teach, guide, and prepare those who feel called to be deacons or priests to enter the process at the local and diocesan level


Ministry Programs

encourage leaders to imagine and create ministries or discussion groups they’re interested in
follow-up with lay leaders on various projects and events
visits to various church ministries/groups
attend church events
retreat planning and participation (occasional)



maintain email communications
answer voicemail
coordinate newsletter articles with newsletter editor
write newsletter column/s
oversee website
coordinator outdoor sign messages with sign team
facilitate announcements in the bulletin
facilitate and balance the church calendar
write weekly email updates
write thank you notes


Pastoral Care

individual intentional conversations with parishioners (“one-on-ones”)
pastoral visits to hospital & homes for the sick
stay in touch with elderly members with visits and phone calls
pray for parishioners and their families
counseling individuals or couples
pre-marital counseling
meeting with families to plan funerals
presence with members in times of crisis


Evangelism and Outreach

connect with newcomers
pray for our local community
ensure that bulletin, narthex, sanctuary are welcoming and hospitable
keep our website attractive and informative
strategize ways we can reach out to our community
ensure that church events are being publicized, when appropriate
attend local community events (high school, village, church networks)



serve as liaison to the diocese and national church
attend finance meetings and review church finances (monthly)
plan and attend wardens’ meetings (monthly) (board chairs)
serve as liaison to stewardship and fundraising planning (fall)
serve as liaison to capital campaign team (2011-12)
oversee groups that rent or use our space
keep track of legal and historical documents and information
log services and attendance numbers
log membership and contact information
prepare annual report on attendance and membership numbers
prepare a report, make agenda, collect all other reports, and chair the Annual Meeting (January)


Congregational development

attend continuing education conferences, speakers, and workshops
read books, blogs, articles on church development and best practices
plan for the church’s future
lead the Bishop’s Committee
–        prepare agendas for wardens’ meetings
–        prepare Committee meeting agendas
–        plan leadership development activities and discussions
–        chair meetings
–        plan, coordinate, and lead biannual BC retreats
inspire congregation with vision and dreams of what is possible
pray for guidance



staff supervision
–        weekly meetings with music director and secretary; monthly check-ins with nursery caretaker
–        review and sign timesheets
–        performance review for music director (annually)
hiring (every other year or so; sometimes more often!)
–        advertising position (rewrite job description?) and review resumes
–        interviews by phone and in person
–        finalize Letter of Agreement, background check, and tax documentation
–        training the new staff person
supervise training for sexual misconduct prevention for leaders and volunteers who work with children


Diocesan participation

Serve as a member of the Commission on Ministry (monthly meetings, paperwork, emails)
Attend Diocesan Convention (November)
Attend Clergy Days (Lent, other) and Clergy Conference (October)
Meet with liaisons from Congregations Commission and Bishop and Trustees
Complete paperwork for Bishop and Trustees’ financial support and mission evaluations
Deanery meetings (monthly)
Attend ordinations and installations of other clergy (three times a year?)


Personal spiritual life and growth*

personal bible study
prayer life
Clergy Quiet Days
spiritual reading
clergy bible study
clergy support group


*That really shouldn’t come last! But when I first drafted this, it’s how it worked out. Go figure. That may be what’s wrong with the way a lot of us clergy do things these days… but that’s another column for another day.