Archives for December 2015

Evening Falls: Exurbia, December

The landscape between our church and our house, banal but somehow beautiful. (Dusk makes everything pretty.) Sky, warehouse, driveway. Sky, streetlight,warehouse, parking lot. Sky, warehouses, semitrailer, brush. Sky, warehouse, sunset reflection, trees, fire hydrant, handicapped parking. Warehouse lights, rearview mirror, sunset reflection. Sky, young trees, asphalt, signage. Sky, subdivision, wetlands, busy road, baby trees, sidewalk, lawn. Sky, warehouses, […]

The White Witch’s Hot Cocoa & Other Extras

This fall, while doing book events for Advent in Narnia, I’ve developed a few more activities for families, individuals, or churches that I want to share here since I’m too late to include them in the book (at least until the next – ?! – printing). Amazingly, the book has sold almost 2500 copies since it was released […]