Who forgot to turn their phone off?

Yesterday, during worship (during my sermon, actually), a cell phone went off.

Since I was preaching at the time, I could see the whole congregation and I noticed who reached in their jacket to turn off the phone.

Adam asked me, later that day, “Whose cell phone went off in church this morning?” (Because this almost never happens at St. Benedict.)

Well. It was actually a visiting priest. In a full black suit, in his collar. Reaching in his jacket, to turn off his phone. (He also just happened to have the same ringtone that I do: “Church bells.” Go figure. We clergy are so original.)

But I imagine Father X has never turned his cell phone off on Sunday morning, because he leaves it in his office. At least, that’s what I do.

So, I’ll have to make sure I turn mine off, next time I visit another church.


  1. Jo-Anne says:

    Hi Heidi! Just discovered your blog and look forward to following. I, too, am a vicar of a parish in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. I’ve just passed the 10yr ordination mark. Can so relate to this post. Happened to me tonight in fact. At a Pentecost celebration dinner, as someone was reading the book of Ruth while we all ate (so monastic I loved it), when I heard almost fog like, the all familiar ringtone of my mobile. Not church bells – I’m original and have Vivaldi Four Seasons! But I learned years ago the hard way, during a worship service at college, NOT to dive for my phone!. So tonight I sat there like everyone else wondering whose phone it was! I know, low trick, but it worked. Just fyi in case you get caught like Father X.

  2. I don’t use a cell phone (to the chagrin of friends who would like to get ahold of me). But if I did, and I rang, I would *totally* play the “whose phone is that??” trick.

  3. Bobbie Molony says:

    That still doesn’t beat a certain vicar whose cell phone went off during the commendation at a funeral, and the family quipped that Mom was checking in for one last time!