Archives for January 2013

The Scowl

When I’m deep in thought, I scowl. Adam used to ask if I was pissed about something. Some guy at a gas station once told me I should smile more. My chaplaincy supervisor in seminary inquired: “What’s the grimace about?” looking for some psychological reflection that might explain it. I came up blank, I’m afraid. […]

Who is Anne Stentiford?

On a dog walk, I noticed this sign for the umpteenth time. There’s just something about a person with three holes for eyes and a mouth… My husband took some family pictures for some folks at our church and he took one of them standing around one of these signs, holding their arms in the air, […]

Lincoln and His House

You don’t really know someone just because you’ve seen the inside of their home. But maybe you know them better. A few weekends ago, Adam and I went to Springfield to see the Lincoln Museum. If you haven’t heard yet: It’s amazing. You should go see it. While you’re there, have yourself a “Horseshoe,” which […]

What a Pastor Does

“So, what exactly do you do as a pastor? Do you do a lot of counseling?” Adam and I were on vacation the week after Christmas and the man who ran the B&B where we stayed asked me this. It’s hard to explain. At least this guy didn’t ask if I only work on Sundays. I […]

Inside My Church

On the Sunday before Christmas… probably during announcements. We had the children’s pageant that morning, so it was a full house. That second shot – wide angle lens! – makes it look more narrow that it really is. Actually, it’s almost a square. My husband, Adam, took these pictures from the back, where he sits […]