You Know You’re A Suburbanite When…

You’re on a bike ride and as you approach your driveway, you reach for the garage door opener that, surely, is clipped to the rim of your helmet…? You know there are NO shortcuts through subdivisions. You never worry that you won’t find a parking place. Your most common pastime seems to be buying more […]

Suburban Sunset, Late April


Spring Bike Ride at Argonne

Growing up I rode bikes around my city neighborhood and the lakefront with my dad and my brother, but sometime in high school I got this (hopefully false!) sense of premonition that I would get some kind of spinal injury from riding a bike. So I stayed away from them for years. Now, living out […]

The Disappeared Houses

On a walk last month, Adam and I noticed a memorial plaque under a tree… for a street address. Curious. (If you want to go find it, it’s along Lily Cache Greenway between Orchard and Plainview.) When we got home I searched for “109 Arcadia Court” on Google Maps and a little red tag popped […]

Who is Anne Stentiford? Part 2

I saw Anne Stentiford’s name on this sign in January, wondered about it, and decided to do some detective work. (Sort of like my obsession with manhole covers last fall.) I found her address online and I wrote to her.  She was very kind and wrote me back. This NO SWIMMING / SKATING sign is the […]

Snowy Day


ATVing In The Park

Looks like someone was doing donuts with their ATV on our local baseball field the other day. I always thought this only happened in more rural areas. But I guess someone got desperate. Or intoxicated? I often see tracks along highways or major roads, or the patches of ground near exit ramps. But a park? Or could […]

Frozen Picnic Tables, After Monet

Some prankster moved two of the park picnic tables into the pond a few weeks ago. Then it got cold, fast, and the tables were frozen in place. I tried to get all Monet with them, and take pictures in different light… Notice the snow above was in tiny clumps – reminded me of popcorn. […]

Who is Anne Stentiford?

On a dog walk, I noticed this sign for the umpteenth time. There’s just something about a person with three holes for eyes and a mouth… My husband took some family pictures for some folks at our church and he took one of them standing around one of these signs, holding their arms in the air, […]

Grocery Geography

I often tell people that Bolingbrook is a diverse community. We say things like, “My block is like the United Nations!” Another fun place to see this is at one of our big box grocery stores: Daikon radish, yucca root, a melon (?), wheatgrass, leeks, carrots… But let’s start with some hard data. 2010 census […]